Precise's Ellen Crayton releases "Redefining Life Sciences with AI & Blockchain”

Congratulations to Precise’s Ellen Crayton in the release of her new book, Redefining Life Sciences with Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain. We are excited to promote Ellen’s book as it examines the complex Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain landscape within life sciences and healthcare.

From the Book Cover: “Advances in AI have accelerated the innovation landscape in pharmacy, health and food technologies, resulting in improved outcomes while reducing the cost of providing healthcare. AI is now enabling nеw possibilities in healthcare which were considered infeasible before. This case study focuses on the evolution оf AI in healthcare, key AI technologies, the impact of AI on jobs and business models, the future scope of AI, and trends in adoption of AI within healthcare and life sciences. The case study also demonstrates оn hоw AI which converged with other new technologies such as Blockchain, is helping key stakeholders such as hospitals, diagnostic labs, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare providers and payers in various ways. Artificial Intelligence will out-think, out-innovate, and out-strategize humans at all levels”.


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