Precise Presents PillSafe at Google NEXT Conference for Machine Learning Application


Precise's Xin Liu will present an innovative machine learning application for pill recognition at Google Next 2019, the annual Google Cloud global conference.

Correct identification of a pill from its physical appearance is crucial for a patient to address medication safety concerns. Color, shape and imprint uniquely identify a pill, including its name, dosage, and Blackbox warning, etc. Precise developed an innovative solution to recognize a pill from pictures taken from mobile phone based upon Google AutoML Vision technology, and developed a mobile app called PillSafe that uses the solution to promote adverse medical event, and side reaction awareness of pills a patient is taking.

“Google has been the world leading artificial intelligence and machine learning company. We are very excited to present our machine learning solution at the Google conference. With more than 250 proposals around the world and only a few customer story spots available for the Artificial Intelligence (AI) + Machine Learning (ML) breakout sessions, it is clear evidence of how innovative our solution is.” Said Dr. Ben Duan, Precise Chief Technology Officer.

Last year, Google Next 2018 attracted more than 23,000 attendees from the world. This year, the conference will be held in San Francisco, April 9-11. For detail information of Precise session, please follow this link:


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